drbowen wrote on Monday, June 22, 2009:
I finally got the upgrade to OpenEMR 3.0.1 successfully completed.
There are issues with the appearance of the GUI interface on Windows and I am still trying to adjust the permissions for the users.
Here are the SQL statements that got left out in the previous upgrade.php script:
#This is what is missing from 2.8.2 – 2.8.3
ALTER TABLE form_vitals
MODIFY `weight` FLOAT(5,2) default 0,
MODIFY `height` FLOAT(5,2) default 0,
MODIFY `BMI` FLOAT(4,1) default 0;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `form_misc_billing_options` (
id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
date datetime default NULL,
pid bigint(20) default NULL,
user varchar(255) default NULL,
groupname varchar(255) default NULL,
authorized tinyint(4) default NULL,
activity tinyint(4) default NULL,
employment_related tinyint(1) default NULL,
auto_accident tinyint(1) default NULL,
accident_state varchar(2) default NULL,
other_accident tinyint(1) default NULL,
outside_lab tinyint(1) default NULL,
lab_amount decimal(5,2) default NULL,
is_unable_to_work tinyint(1) default NULL,
off_work_from date default NULL,
off_work_to date default NULL,
is_hospitalized tinyint(1) default NULL,
hospitalization_date_from date default NULL,
hospitalization_date_to date default NULL,
medicaid_resubmission_code varchar(10) default NULL,
medicaid_original_reference varchar(15) default NULL,
prior_auth_number varchar(20) default NULL,
comments varchar(255) default NULL,
patient_id, encounter_id, bill_time, payer_id,
status, payer_type,
bill_process, process_time, process_file, target,
x12_partner_id )
b.pid, b.encounter, b.bill_date, b.payer_id,
b.billed * 2 + 1, FIND_IN_SET(i.type, ‘primary,secondary,tertiary’),
b.bill_process, b.process_date, b.process_file, b.target,
FROM billing AS b
LEFT OUTER JOIN insurance_data AS i ON i.pid = b.pid AND i.provider = b.payer_id
WHERE b.activity > 0 AND b.encounter > 0 AND b.code_type != ‘ICD9’ AND b.payer_id > 0;
UPDATE form_encounter, facility
SET form_encounter.facility_id = facility.id WHERE
facility.name = form_encounter.facility;
UPDATE users, facility
SET users.facility_id = facility.id WHERE
facility.name = users.facility;
# This is what is missing from 2.8.3 → 2.9.0
INSERT INTO prices ( pr_id, pr_level, pr_price )
SELECT codes.id, ‘standard’, codes.fee FROM codes
WHERE codes.fee IS NOT NULL AND codes.fee > 0;
UPDATE drug_sales
SET billed = 1 WHERE encounter > 0;
CREATE TABLE fee_sheet_options (
fs_category varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘Descriptive category name’,
fs_option varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘Descriptive option name’,
fs_codes varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘multiple instances of type:id:selector;’
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘1Brief’ ,‘CPT4|99201|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘2Limited’,‘CPT4|99202|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘3Detailed’,‘CPT4|99203|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘4Extended’,‘CPT4|99204|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘5Comprehensive’,‘CPT4|99205|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘1Brief’ ,‘CPT4|99211|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘2Limited’,‘CPT4|99212|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘3Detailed’,‘CPT4|99213|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘4Extended’,‘CPT4|99214|’);
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘5Comprehensive’,‘CPT4|99215|’);
MODIFY `justify` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’;
ALTER TABLE prescriptions
MODIFY `quantity` varchar(31) default ‘’;
MODIFY `superbill` varchar(31) default ‘’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|brs:1:’, last_breast_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 1, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|brs:2:’, last_breast_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 1, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|mam:1:’, last_mammogram ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 2, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|mam:2:’, last_mammogram ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 2, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|gyn:1:’, last_gynocological_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 3, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|gyn:2:’, last_gynocological_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 3, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|rec:1:’, last_rectal_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 4, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|rec:2:’, last_rectal_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 4, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|pro:1:’, last_prostate_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 5, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|pro:2:’, last_prostate_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 5, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|phy:1:’, last_physical_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 6, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|phy:2:’, last_physical_exam ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 6, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|sic:1:’, last_sigmoidoscopy_colonoscopy) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 7, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|sic:2:’, last_sigmoidoscopy_colonoscopy) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 7, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|ecg:1:’, last_ecg ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 8, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|ecg:2:’, last_ecg ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 8, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|cec:1:’, last_cardiac_echo ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 9, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|cec:2:’, last_cardiac_echo ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results, 9, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|ret:1:’, last_retinal ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,10, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|ret:2:’, last_retinal ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,10, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|flu:1:’, last_fluvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,11, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|flu:2:’, last_fluvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,11, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|pne:1:’, last_pneuvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,12, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|pne:2:’, last_pneuvax ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,12, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|ldl:1:’, last_ldl ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,13, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|ldl:2:’, last_ldl ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,13, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|hem:1:’, last_hemoglobin ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,14, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|hem:2:’, last_hemoglobin ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,14, 1) = ‘2’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|psa:1:’, last_psa ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,15, 1) = ‘1’;
UPDATE history_data SET exams = CONCAT(exams, ‘|psa:2:’, last_psa ) WHERE SUBSTRING(last_exam_results,15, 1) = ‘2’;
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘HIS’ AND group_name = ‘1General’;
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘usertext11’,‘1General’,‘Risk Factors’,1,21,1,0,0,‘riskfactors’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Risk Factors’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘exams’ ,‘1General’,‘Exams/Tests’ ,2,23,1,0,0,‘exams’ ,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Exam and test results’);
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘HIS’ AND group_name = ‘2Family History’;
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘history_father’ ,‘2Family History’,‘Father’ ,1, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘history_mother’ ,‘2Family History’,‘Mother’ ,2, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘history_siblings’ ,‘2Family History’,‘Siblings’ ,3, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘history_spouse’ ,‘2Family History’,‘Spouse’ ,4, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘history_offspring’,‘2Family History’,‘Offspring’,5, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,3,’’,’’ ,’’);
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘HIS’ AND group_name = ‘3Relatives’;
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_cancer’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Cancer’ ,1, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_tuberculosis’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Tuberculosis’ ,2, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_diabetes’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Diabetes’ ,3, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_high_blood_pressure’,‘3Relatives’,‘High Blood Pressure’,4, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_heart_problems’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Heart Problems’ ,5, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_stroke’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Stroke’ ,6, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_epilepsy’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Epilepsy’ ,7, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_mental_illness’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Mental Illness’ ,8, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,’’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘relatives_suicide’ ,‘3Relatives’,‘Suicide’ ,9, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,3,’’,’’ ,’’);
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘HIS’ AND group_name = ‘4Lifestyle’;
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘coffee’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Coffee’ ,1, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Caffeine consumption’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘tobacco’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Tobacco’ ,2, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Tobacco use’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘alcohol’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Alcohol’ ,3, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Alcohol consumption’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘sleep_patterns’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Sleep Patterns’ ,4, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Sleep patterns’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘exercise_patterns’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Exercise Patterns’ ,5, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Exercise patterns’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘seatbelt_use’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Seatbelt Use’ ,6, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Seatbelt use’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘counseling’ ,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Counseling’ ,7, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Counseling activities’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘hazardous_activities’,‘4Lifestyle’,‘Hazardous Activities’,8, 2,1,20,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Hazardous activities’);
DELETE FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘HIS’ AND group_name = ‘5Other’;
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘name_1’ ,‘5Other’,‘Name/Value’ ,1, 2,1,10,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Name 1’ );
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘value_1’ ,‘5Other’,’’ ,2, 2,1,10,255,’’,0,0,’’,’’ ,‘Value 1’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘name_2’ ,‘5Other’,‘Name/Value’ ,3, 2,1,10,255,’’,1,1,’’,’’ ,‘Name 2’ );
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘value_2’ ,‘5Other’,’’ ,4, 2,1,10,255,’’,0,0,’’,’’ ,‘Value 2’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘additional_history’,‘5Other’,‘Additional History’,5, 3,1,30, 3,’’,1,3,’’ ,’’ ,‘Additional history notes’);
DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = ‘riskfactors’;
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘vv’ ,‘Varicose Veins’ , 1,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘ht’ ,‘Hypertension’ , 2,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘db’ ,‘Diabetes’ , 3,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘sc’ ,‘Sickle Cell’ , 4,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘fib’,‘Fibroids’ , 5,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘pid’,‘PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)’ , 6,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘mig’,‘Severe Migraine’ , 7,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘hd’ ,‘Heart Disease’ , 8,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘str’,‘Thrombosis/Stroke’ , 9,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘hep’,‘Hepatitis’ ,10,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘gb’ ,‘Gall Bladder Condition’ ,11,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘br’ ,‘Breast Disease’ ,12,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘dpr’,‘Depression’ ,13,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘all’,‘Allergies’ ,14,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘inf’,‘Infertility’ ,15,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘ast’,‘Asthma’ ,16,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘ep’ ,‘Epilepsy’ ,17,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘cl’ ,‘Contact Lenses’ ,18,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘coc’,‘Contraceptive Complication (specify)’,19,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘riskfactors’,‘oth’,‘Other (specify)’ ,20,0,0);
DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = ‘exams’;
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘brs’,‘Breast Exam’ , 1,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘cec’,‘Cardiac Echo’ , 2,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘ecg’,‘ECG’ , 3,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘gyn’,‘Gynecological Exam’ , 4,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘mam’,‘Mammogram’ , 5,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘phy’,‘Physical Exam’ , 6,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘pro’,‘Prostate Exam’ , 7,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘rec’,‘Rectal Exam’ , 8,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘sic’,‘Sigmoid/Colonoscopy’ , 9,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘ret’,‘Retinal Exam’ ,10,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘flu’,‘Flu Vaccination’ ,11,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘pne’,‘Pneumonia Vaccination’,12,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘ldl’,‘LDL’ ,13,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘hem’,‘Hemoglobin’ ,14,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘exams’ ,‘psa’,‘PSA’ ,15,0,0);
DELETE FROM list_options WHERE list_id = ‘lists’;
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘boolean’ ,‘Boolean’ , 1,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘country’ ,‘Country’ , 2,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘feesheet’ ,‘Fee Sheet’ , 3,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘language’ ,‘Language’ , 4,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘marital’ ,‘Marital Status’ , 5,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘pricelevel’ ,‘Price Level’ , 6,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘ethrace’ ,‘Race/Ethnicity’ , 7,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘refsource’ ,‘Referral Source’ , 8,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘risklevel’ ,‘Risk Level’ , 9,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘superbill’ ,‘Service Category’ ,10,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘sex’ ,‘Sex’ ,11,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘taxrate’ ,‘Tax Rate’ ,13,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘titles’ ,‘Titles’ ,14,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘yesno’ ,‘Yes/No’ ,15,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist1’ ,‘User Defined List 1’,16,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist2’ ,‘User Defined List 2’,17,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist3’ ,‘User Defined List 3’,18,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist4’ ,‘User Defined List 4’,19,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist5’ ,‘User Defined List 5’,20,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist6’ ,‘User Defined List 6’,21,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘userlist7’ ,‘User Defined List 7’,22,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘riskfactors’,‘Risk Factors’ ,23,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘exams’ ,‘Exams/Tests’ ,24,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘drug_form’ ,‘Drug Forms’ ,24,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘drug_units’ ,‘Drug Units’ ,25,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘drug_route’ ,‘Drug Routes’ ,26,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘drug_interval’,‘Drug Intervals’,27,0,0);
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘state’,‘State’,12,0,0);
UPDATE layout_options SET data_type = 1, list_id = ‘state’ WHERE form_id = ‘DEM’ AND field_id = ‘state’;
MODIFY `fee` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00;
MODIFY `fee` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00;
ALTER TABLE drug_sales
MODIFY `fee` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00;
ALTER TABLE payments
MODIFY `amount1` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
MODIFY `amount2` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
MODIFY `posted1` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
MODIFY `posted2` decimal(12,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00;
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘userarea11’,‘5Other’,‘User Defined Area 11’,6,3,0,30,3,’’,1,3,’’,’’,‘User Defined’);
INSERT INTO layout_options VALUES (‘HIS’,‘userarea12’,‘5Other’,‘User Defined Area 12’,7,3,0,30,3,’’,1,3,’’,’’,‘User Defined’);
#These are the codes left out of 2.9.0 → 3.0.1
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘chartloc’,‘Chart Storage Locations’,1,0,0);
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘1’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘a%’;
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘2’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘b%’;
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘3’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘c%’;
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘4’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘d%’;
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘5’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘e%’;
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘6’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘f%’;
update layout_options set group_name = concat(‘7’, substring(group_name, 2)) where group_name like ‘g%’;