Upgrading from v2.9 to v3.2.0 -Missing Tables

sunzofman1 wrote on Monday, January 03, 2011:

I recently upgraded our OpenEMR installation from v2.9 to v3.2.0

I now receive the following error at the login screen ->

ERROR: query failed: select distinct name from groups

Error: Table ‘openemr.groups’ doesn’t exist

I was able to get past similar table errors by creating the appropriate
tables which I gleaned from a running openemr v3.2 demo.
However, I’m not sure of the required structure for this “groups” table.

*What I’ve done*

1)Made appropriate changes to openemr/library/sqlconf.php and
2)Place the gacl_ prefix on all tables in your php-gacl database
3) Restored the gacl database backup file into the openemr database

I was unsuccessful in running ‘sql_upgrade.php’ script and I’ve not tried
openemr/acl_upgrade.php to upgrade gacl

Below is the error I receive when attempting to upgrade the database with
‘sqlconf.php’ script…

Processing 2_9_0-to-3_0_0_upgrade.sql …
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_misc_billing_options replacement_claim
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn insurance_data accept_assignment
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn forms deleted
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn immunizations vis_date
Skipping section #IfNotTable chart_tracker
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘chartloc’,‘Chart Storage

ERROR: query failed: INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’
,‘chartloc’,‘Chart Storage Locations’,1,0,0)

Error: Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1

Any hints would be appreciated :slight_smile:

sunzofman1 wrote on Wednesday, January 05, 2011:

I have progressed beyond this point by using ‘groups’ table schema from a running v3.2 demo. However, the sql-upgrade script still seems to fail.  With the following error -

ERROR: query failed: INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘lists’ ,‘chartloc’,‘Chart Storage Locations’,1,0,0) Error: Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1