Upgrading 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 with multiple sites

jarmfl wrote on Thursday, September 29, 2011:

The upgrade instructions on http://www.oemr.org/wiki/Linux_Upgrade_4.0.0_to_4.1.0 show how to upgrade just with a default site,

Question: how to upgrade all other sites, just copy back??

thanks in advance

bradymiller wrote on Friday, September 30, 2011:


You will need to do steps 3, 4 and 5 for each separate sites/ directory. Also, if you’ve customized anything else in the sites/ directory (such as in config.php file or other files there), then need to merge these changes manually.

Hope this helps get you started,

jarmfl wrote on Thursday, October 06, 2011:

I noticed the patient portal only work for the default site (using the information store on /sites/default/sqlconf.php)

How could we configure the OpenEmr to services the Patient Portal to other sites?

thanks in advance

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 06, 2011:

regarding portal question, will reply here: