Upgrade left_nav to use a database

wakie87 wrote on Wednesday, June 26, 2013:

So I have been working on moving the left_nav.php data to the database.

What I have so far is very rough, but was hoping I could get some help finishing it off, as well as some feedback.

You will need to run sql_patch.php to update the db to insert the new tables then you can access/edit/add new items in Administration > Menu.

As I said it is very rough and needs a lot of work, acl, security etc. to completely finish it, but its a starting block.



yehster wrote on Wednesday, June 26, 2013:

Can anybody explain the difference in menu behavior for the IPPF and Athletic Team modes?

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, June 26, 2013:

Not sure what you’re asking, but they wanted to rearrange the menu. Moving it to the database seems exactly the right way to address this.


zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, June 26, 2013:


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On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 8:57 AM, Kevin Yeh yehster@users.sf.net wrote:

Can anybody explain the difference in menu behavior for the IPPF and
Athletic Team modes?

Upgrade left_nav to use a databasehttps://sourceforge.net/p/openemr/discussion/202506/thread/715f9ad4/?limit=25#f654

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sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, June 26, 2013:

Scott, some initial questions/suggestions:

  1. This doesn’t seem to be the most current jquery-ui and jquery. Any particular reason?

  2. jQuery and jQuery-UI have other possible uses besides the menu. So don’t install them under library/js/menu/.

  3. I think best to install jquery-ui in its own directory under library/js/, and include its CSS file and any of its plugins that you may need there too. That way everything for a given release of it is conveniently in one place.



sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, June 26, 2013:

Oh and also, please use a separate commit to bring in code from other projects. That way your creative work is in its own commit and nobody has to wade through tons of code to see what you did.


wakie87 wrote on Thursday, June 27, 2013:

After going through left_nav and deconstructing how it works. The IPPF and Athletics team have the menu rearranged in a different order as well as the frames they are loaded into. The athletics also used the genDualLink which loads pages into both frames at the same time.

wakie87 wrote on Thursday, June 27, 2013:

Hi Rod,

Thanks for your response.

  1. I have pulled this together using different tutorials, as such I haven’t had a chance to test it out with the latest jquery and jquery-ui. As stated this project is very rough and I don’t have the development knowledge that many on this forum do. I am hoping someone will come to the rescue and help me finish it.

  2. Yep that is true, I will go and change that.

  3. Yes I think this is also a good idea. I think I was following what was done previously. How it is setup now is very fractured and sometimes confusing.

  4. I am new to GiT and still trying to understand the workflow. :confused: Sorry