Upgrade from 2.8.2-dev

duanemorrow wrote on Tuesday, February 27, 2007:

Production server running Gentoo 2006.1 AMD64X2 with data in OpenEMR.

What is the steps for upgrading from 2.8.2-dev to the current release version (including MySQL upgrade)?

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, February 27, 2007:

At the end of the INSTALL file that comes with OpenEMR is a section on upgrading.

Since 2.8.2-dev was in continuous development up to the 2.8.2 release, you’ll need to review all of the SQL updates in sql/2_8_1-to-2_8_2_upgrade.sql and compare them with your current database structure to determine which ones need to be applied.


andres_paglayan wrote on Tuesday, February 27, 2007:

and a previous dump of the database and tar of /openemr
is highly recommended,