Overall, the style seems much more modern and nicer on the eyes than the current website. Definitely a nice starting point and glad to see somebody working to improve the website.
Here’s some more improvements to the homepage. The top slider will be improved a bit more. The big changes here include the twitter widget and the big button.
One thing I noted that’s missing is the Diaspora social link (could drop the git button if need space since only pertinent to developers).
Also, how does it work with the original logo? (will be tough to let go of the original logo which has been “branded” already on many other non-OpenEMR sites)
We’re still pushing hard for donations, so would make sense to ensure a donation links always stays on the banners (could have several different banners even requesting donations that are up and going; along with others that we could pop in when the donation drive is over).
Is this a new LOGO? Or is it an image to get more donations? (The triple heart)
I still like the OpenEMR night-life-Logo-expression of the Universe where OpenEMR could be working (… in the left side of the screen preview). Don’t lose that OpenEMR original, expressing all those that were involved in creating the product as is!
A free EMR! Working, day and night all over the world, even during “ECLIPSE TIME”…