Looks like “Administration” -> “Codes” screen only allows update to CPT/CVX code but not ICD9/ICD10 code.
I kind of get the idea that ICD9/ICD10 code are usually imported from standard file. However, why would we prevent updating the description of ICD9/ICD10 code after importing them into the database?
It’s not an issue of “preventing” editing of ICD9/10, but rather that editor only works with the “legacy” codes table and not “external table” based codes (ICD9/10/SNOMED).
The Administration->Codes gui is integrated with the “external table” based codes. For example, you can disable and edit code descriptions and add fees (for service codes) there and they will “override” what is in the “external table”. So, the way to think of it, is that the “external table” is a reference of codes which can be further modified or removed (ie. disabled) in the Administration->Codes. The one thing that would make it more useful would be to add a layer via a whitelist option (for example, select the codes that you want to use from the reference set) rather than the blacklist method that currently exists.
That gui also allows searching across code types at the same time, and the door is open there to add many more informatic data mining tools.
I just tested what I discussed above, and my explanation is not correct. The gui does not allow modification of the description and if I do modify it manually via phpmyadmin in codes (I get the entry into codes table by giving it a “Diagnosis Reporting” flag in the Administraion->Codes gui), the modified description is not getting used. It wouldn’t take too much code changes to provide the option to modify the description if that is what you want and I’d recommend controlling it via a option in globals since some may not want that feature (some may want to ensure they use the official description when updating the code sets).
I see. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks Kevin and Brady.
Brady - I agree that if we are going to make code change to enhance it, it should probably be handled by an option in globals to be backward compatible.