Update Greasemonkey code for Allscripts

fsgl wrote on Thursday, May 07, 2015:

Hi Marcin,

Thank you for the rapid response.

I think we all have the Allscripts button & check box in Patient Summary. No question about the correct URL.

Upgrading Greasemonkey from 2.3 to 3.1 & re-installing both your scripts made no difference.

I’m still unable to login from the bottom screen. Login is only possible in another tab.

After login, the patient’s last name appears; while the first name is visible for a few seconds, then disappears. The Load From OpenEMR button is not working & has never worked for us over the past 2-3 years.

Perhaps a little more digging will remedy both problems, I’ll correct the Wiki at that point.

marcin201 wrote on Thursday, May 07, 2015:

David said he has no Allscripts button in demographics.

Hard to know why it is not working for you fsgl. I would recommend removing any Greasmonkey scripts and re-installing the script from greasyfork.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, May 07, 2015:

Clarification is needed about the Allscripts button in David’s case.

Just tried install on my test copy, Linux Mint 17. Problems persisting.

Is there a setting in scripts Options that needs changing? I’ve a hunch that it’s something very simple. Too bad I don’t know what it is.

Automatic transfer is a not a biggie for us because we never had it to begin with. However it seems to be a big disappointment for others.

We are quite pleased that search is not longer necessary for patients for whom we’ve entered demographics previously.

cverk wrote on Friday, May 08, 2015:

I am using the current openemr with patch 1 in Windows 8, 7 and vista, and firefox with auto updating employed. The menus mentioned in openemr don’t seem to work only in windows 8. The allscripts button is present in openemr with the new script, and if you are signed in to allscripts and click it , the patient comes up in the allscripts search box and loads if previously entered in allscripts. If you are not signed in, which happens if you haven’t used it for a few minutes, then you have to sign in and enter and search manually to find the patient in allscripts. If the patient has not previously been entered in allscripts, the button to load demographics from openemr into allscripts does not work and you have to enter them manually. Its not really a huge deal as I have been using it long enough to have the majority of people seen already entered, but it could be a bigger deal for a new user to get started. I probably put 50 prescriptions into allscripts today, so if you had to enter demographics on all of them like a new user would, it could be a pretty big deal. Hopefully, that is helpful in trying to repair it.

marcin201 wrote on Monday, May 11, 2015:

It’s really hard to know what the problem is. Everything is working for me under multiple OSs and browsers (I uses both firefox and chrome). fsgl and CVerk if you one of you has your open emr on the web I could take a look to get this issue solved for the community.

fsgl wrote on Monday, May 11, 2015:

Hi Marcin,

Thanks for the offer.

My production copy is used offline & even putting the test copy online makes me queasy.

We will have to wait for a volunteer.

marcin201 wrote on Monday, May 11, 2015:

You should try it with the OpenEMR demo site then
User: admin
Password: pass

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2015:

On second thought, Marcin, I don’t think the Demo would work. The problem does not lie in OpenEMR but with the way each of the individual Firefox is handling the script. You would need something like LogMeIn to get a sense of the situation. If this is incorrect, please advise.

Can you think of anything I can look for in the Firefox console that might offer some clues? Should I post the Firefox console messages when Allscript does not open in the lower frame or when the Load from OpenEMR button does not work?

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2015:

First attachment with inability to login from lower frame.

Second attachment with Load from OpenEMR.

Any light bulbs switching on?

marcin201 wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2015:

FSGL you have five systems interacting together. OpenEMR, Allscripts, Firefox, Greasemonkey, and Allscripts Integration script. To find out where the problem is you need to isolate it as it could be with any of the five components. So for example if this works with the demo site but not with your local installation then you know you need to look at your local installation. If it does not work with the demo site then you know the problem is with Firefox, Greasemonkey, or the Allscripts Integration script.

Another suggestion is to clear your browser cache.

The console shots were non-diagnostic.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2015:

Sorry, clearing cache did not work on test copy nor in Weekly Demo.

No errors in the logs on my test copy.

I’ve never worked with the Firefox console before.

How does one segregate the 3 remaining systems?

fsgl wrote on Thursday, May 14, 2015:

I think the problem lies in the script.

Attachment 1 restored the Allscripts button & checkbox.

Attachment 2 restored Patient Search.

There must be something missing to account for the missing lower frame login & Load from OpenEMR function.

marcin201 wrote on Friday, May 15, 2015:

Any reasons you used a different version of the demo site? When you are debugging something you want to minimize variability.

I suggest you install Firefox on a new computer with nothing installed. Make sure you do not login to Firefox, so no plugins are loaded for you. Install Greasemonkey and Allscripts IntegrationMM from greasyfork. Include screen shots.

What you want to do seems to work fine. It must have something to do with what you have installed on your computer.

fsgl wrote on Friday, May 15, 2015:

Both screenshots are from my production copy but from different time periods.

1.png is from 2014-08-19 as explained here,

2.png is from 1 day ago.

I have no doubt everything is working fine on your end. CVerk & I are fairly decent about following directions, but something is very different between our devices & yours.

What screenshots would you like me to post after a new install of Firefox, Greasemonkey & your script?

fsgl wrote on Friday, May 15, 2015:

O.k., did the following & got:

  1. installed Firefox 38.0.1. on Windows XP part of dual-boot.
  2. deactivated all plugins (see a) & removed all addons, extensions & themes.
  3. installed Greasemonkey & script from Firefox because can’t do it from Chrome.
  4. with all plugins deactivated, patient search in Allscripts disappeared.
  5. still no lower frame login & no Load from OpenEMR.
  6. the @gm section seems identical as in production copy.

If I didn’t want to repay CVerk for his peerless backup script, I would throw in the towel at this point.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, May 17, 2015:


I’m pleased to say that finally I will be able to repay that debt!

Came upon the fix sheerly by serendipity.

While upgrading Firefox to 38.0.1, I interrupted the process prematurely. Bad, because when I tried to open the browser, it would not load, with the throbber spinning endlessly.

No choice left but to uninstall/reinstall Firefox. Everything now works after Greasemonkey & Marcin’s script were reinstalled.

If a user has a lot of browser customizations, he should Sync before the reinstalls.


Thank you so very much for the script & your unstinting support!!!

Don’t understand the pathogenesis & don’t care. It may have something to do with Firefox being installed with a pre-31.0 version.

Will update Wiki article.

marcin201 wrote on Tuesday, May 19, 2015:

Ok. Glad you got it worked out and did not give up.

There must have been something cached in your installation that was not getting cleared by clearing the cache. That’s why I suggested using a brand new computer. Anyway you got it worked out.