Unable To View Samba Share To Upload Document

mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, February 14, 2008:

I recently converted our desktops from XP Pro to OpenSuse 10.3.  When using Fire Fox, I noticed a problem when trying to upload a file to OpenEMR via the "Documents" page.  When I choose the folder that I want to upload the file to and click on "browse", I am unable to see the mapped Samba share folder in the file upload window in Firefox.  However, I do have the Samba share drive mapped to the desktop of my OpenSuse10.3 machine and can access the share files directly from the desktop of the OpenSuse machine.

The shared directory resides on our Linux server ( Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 ).  I am running the latest version of Firefox, Apache2, MySql5 and OpenEMR-2.8.3.

Interestingly I was able to do this on our XP machines.  I am not sure why the "mapped" share directory is viewable in the file upload window of Fire Fox in XP and not in Linux.

Please advise,


penguin8r wrote on Monday, February 18, 2008:

Where did you mount the Samba share on the OpenSuSE box?  typically it’s easiest to put a symlink in your home directory to wherever you mount the Samba share to make it easy to find for upload/download purposes.  If there’s only one user logging into the OpenSuSE box, then just mount the samba share in the user’s home directory to simplify things.

mike-h30 wrote on Monday, February 18, 2008:

What I did was create a directory “Practice_Docs” under my user name (Mike) on our server. It is in “Mike’s” home directory.  I then shared “Practice_Docs”.  In Samba I checked the option to allow users to share folders so that I could share “Practice_Docs” on the network.  From our XP clients, I was able to create a map to “Practice_Docs” on the Samba server.   I was also able to create a map to “Practice_Docs” from our newly installed Linux clients (OpenSuse 10.3).

Every user has their own client log on ( Windows or OpenSuse10.3).   It was suggested that I create a NFS mount and get away from SAMBA since we will eventually be rid of Windows.  I need to keep one client for Windows at the moment until I get the billing component setup in OpenEMR.  Our billing is accomplished with a MS Access program called EZ-Claim.

When you say “put a symlink in your home directory to wherever you mount the Samba share” do you mean the users home directory on the OpenSuse client or my (Mike’s) home directory on the Linux server?  Thanks. 
