Attempting to setup openemr on openSuSE 12.2. I’ve got the LAMP apps installed. Apache is running. PHP works. When setting up openemr the following error appears:
Step 3
Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server… ERROR. Check your login credentials. unable to connect to database as root
Note: I’ve tried setting up from the root login without success. The openemr files are located at:
Thanks for the reply. Here is what I did on step 2. My data is indicated by . Note that the login name for mysql and the root account are root. I used the system administrator password. The results are the same as before.
Step 2
Now you need to supply the MySQL server information and path information. Detailed instructions on each item can be found in the ‘INSTALL’ manual file.
Server Host: (If you run MySQL and Apache/PHP on the same computer, then leave this as ‘localhost’. If they are on separate computers, then enter the IP address of the computer running MySQL.)
Server Port: (This is the MySQL port. The default port for MySQL is 3306.)
Database Name: (This is the name of the OpenEMR database in MySQL - ‘openemr’ is the recommended)
Login Name: (This is the name of the OpenEMR login name in MySQL - ‘openemr’ is the recommended)
Password: (This is the Login Password for when PHP accesses MySQL - it should be at least 8 characters long and composed of both numbers and letters)
Name for Root Account: (This is name for MySQL root account. For localhost, it is usually ok to leave it ‘root’.)
Root Pass: (This is your MySQL root password. For localhost, it is usually ok to leave it blank.)
User Hostname: (If you run Apache/PHP and MySQL on the same computer, then leave this as ‘localhost’. If they are on separate computers, then enter the IP address of the computer running Apache/PHP.)
UTF-8 Collation:
(This is the collation setting for mysql. Leave as ‘General’ if you are not sure. If the language you are planning to use in OpenEMR is in the menu, then you can select it. Otherwise, just select ‘General’.)
Initial User: (This is the login name of user that will be created for you. Limit this to one word.)
Initial User Password: (This is the password for the initial user account above.)
Initial User’s Name: (This is the real name of the ‘initial user’.)
Initial Group: (This is the group that will be created for your users. This should be the name of your practice.)
If you could able to login mysql with root user and it’s credentials in command prompt,
Change the following and try again in the installer.
Login Name: [openemr] (This is the name of the OpenEMR login name in MySQL - ‘openemr’ is the recommended)
root replaced by openemr here.
Password: [openemr] (This is the Login Password for when PHP accesses MySQL - it should be at least 8