Unable to POST document over API

When POSTing a document through an API call the $_FILES var is empty. So the document is failing the document_services.php checks.

Python POST code:

def _post_document(self, pid, path, file):
   file = {
   'document': (file, open(file, 'rb')),
   url = self.url + "/patient/" + str(pid) + "/document&path=/" + path
   return self.session.post(url, files=file)

Configs I’ve changed:

    upload_tmp_dir = /var/tmp
    upload_max_filesize = 100M
    enable_post_data_reading = On

    <Directory "/var/tmp">
        Require all granted

The logs return this error because $fileData[“tmp_name”] is empty.

// Ensure filetype is allowed
if ($GLOBALS['secure_upload'] && !isWhiteFile($fileData["tmp_name"])) {
    error_log("OpenEMR API Error: Attempt to upload unsecure patient document was declined");
    return false;

I can make all other API post/put/get calls, just having the issue with document posts.

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 6.0.2

I’m using: Chrome

Operating System
I’m using: Ubuntu Server, Win10 client