Unable to open - installation problem

clang860 wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:

I downloaded th pckaged in the Downloads folder. I then extractd it to C: where it is named openemr-4.2.0 . I tuned on Apache and mysql services in XAMPP. When i typped localhost/openemr, that did nto work. I then also copied this foder inside XAMPP folder. chaged the name of openemr-4.20 to just plain openemr thnking that is what is keeping it from opening. But when I put localhost/openemr, I get an error messag saying

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 404

Apache/2.4.10 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1i PHP/5.6.3

Help with getting to the program will be most appreciated. Thank you.

c. langton

clang860 wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:

Made a bit of progress. Moved the folder to the htdocs inside the XAMPP. Now I cna open but get a lot of errors, suchas
Notice: Undefined index: formaction in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\openemr-4.2.0\interface\patient_file\letter.php on line 71

confused that it does not have any one place to enter the facility and the physicians. Also is the aledar fixed at 15 min time slots?

mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:

After you install using the installtion guides, online help is usually a good starting point.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:

Assuming that this is a fresh install, not an upgrade, the first problem is in the second sentence of the original post. When the XAMPP-OpenEMR Package had been installed properly, the folder in htdocs should be openemr, not openemr-4.2.0.

It’s possible that you may have downloaded openemr-4.2.0.zip & replaced the original openemr folder with openemr-4.2.0. This is totally unnecessary as they are identical. The package is complete. There is nothing the user needs to change for the installation.

Would suggest the following:

  1. Delete the entire xampp folder from C-drive, as shown here.
  2. Re-install the XAMPP-OpenEMR Package from the first link.
  3. Replace nothing.
  4. Start Apache & MySQL, then click “Quit”.
  5. Use localhost/openemr in the address bar.
  6. Login with admin as username & pass as password.
  7. Learn the Users Guide.