Unable to installation EMR 4.1.2 in LAMP

prafulshrestha wrote on Monday, April 14, 2014:

I am using LAMP to install EMR 4.1.2. I have Apache running in CentOS 6.4 (tested with my own index.html). I corrected DirectoryIndex in httpd.conf. But, when I access http://localhost/openemr, i see codes of /var/www/html/openemr/index.php file in browser. Any suggestion ?

openemrdev wrote on Monday, April 14, 2014:

You could check php by running this file

Save below in a file at /var/www/html/ and run by

<?php phpinfo(); ?>


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:31 AM, praful shrestha <
prafulshrestha@users.sf.net> wrote:

I am using LAMP to install EMR 4.1.2. I have Apache running in CentOS 6.4
(tested with my own index.html). I corrected DirectoryIndex in httpd.conf.
But, when I access http://localhost/openemr, i see codes of
/var/www/html/openemr/index.php file in browser. Any suggestion ?

Unable to installation EMR 4.1.2 in LAMPhttps://sourceforge.net/p/openemr/discussion/202505/thread/a16d5896/?limit=25#8ce5

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