Unable to add ICD9 codes to visits or edit LBV forms after server migration

meiert5798 wrote on Sunday, February 22, 2015:

I am an IT volunteer for a small non-profit optometry practice which has opted to use OpenEMR because the cost of all other systems was prohibitively expensive. The practice bought a more reliable server machine (it was previously running on consumer hardware with some slight upgrades) and I was tasked with migrating the previous installation to the new server. I did the migration by simply stopping all involved services, copying the installation directory and database, and moving them to the new server. So far, there has been no issues save two; ICD9 codes cannot be added to a visit (making billing unusable) and LBV forms cannot be edited. The server is running Debian Wheezy, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP-FPM.

I have double checked all probable causes with no success. Is there an issue with the way I moved OpenEMR to the new server? Were there extra steps that needed to be taken to fix these two features?

Thank you in advance

  • Thomas Meier

EDIT: The inability to add ICD9 codes to an incident was fixed up upgrading OpenEMR and the ICD9 codes database to their latest version (from 4.1.2 to 4.2.0 and v30 to v31, respectively). This leaves only the LBV forms broken.

EDIT 2: After pouring over PHP and Nginx logs, I found that some of the .MYI and .MYD files didn’t copy over when I copied the database directory, but the .frm files did. This resulted in the table appearing to be in the database but not actually existing if you tried to query it. Importing the data via SQL statements has fixed the problem in it’s entirety.

All issues are now fixed, but I’ll leave the thread for anyone who runs in to the same problems.