deschel wrote on Friday, April 26, 2013:
Creating a database table to store the menu items in left nav, and removing them from php code, would be a great start! I don’t think it would be that difficult/complicated.
That would have been a great starter project for that Google Summer of code intern that we got denied funding for.
As far as a UI framework, css already supports a lot of ability for UI customization, I’m not sure how necessary a framework is, and I think that rather than making things easier, it tends to make things more complicated.
The programmer that I had hired used twitter bootstrap, a popular UI framework, to create a couple of web pages. I liked certain elements, and others I though were no good. It was really difficult to stay with the framwork and change the simple things that I did not like. Plus, it became too complicated. In the end, it was just easier to take out the css and jquery objects of what I liked and get rid of the framework and all the useless stuff that came with it.
In the end, we just need someone to take the time to improve the UI. A framework can create ideas, and code can be borrowed from it, but in the end, its just about spending the time to improve the interface.
Unfortunately, there is so much to work on and there are other things that people put a higher priority on, and rightly so.
So, MD Support, is UI a high priority for you?
By the way, what are some of the UI frameworks that you like?