Trying to create multiple facilities

teryhill wrote on Thursday, October 30, 2014:

Every thing appears to work untill I go to patiens->reports and print It defaults to the primary facility not the one I have selected. I did this on demo 2110 with the same results.

Thanks for helping

cmswest wrote on Friday, October 31, 2014:

are you referring to the left nav area under reports->visits->encounters?

teryhill wrote on Friday, October 31, 2014:

No under a selected patient. Across the top there is a reports option.



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On Oct 30, 2014, at 9:20 PM, “Stephen Waite” wrote:

are you referring to the left nav area under reports->visits->encounters?

Trying to create multiple facilities

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fsgl wrote on Friday, October 31, 2014:

Patient Summary/Report/Patient Report has primary clinic as the header. It makes sense because the legal entity is that clinic.

Secondary clinic will appear if an encounter is selected.

teryhill wrote on Friday, October 31, 2014:

That’s ok I guess but what about “Different Practices” with the common database.

  1. If you want to share the scheduling, patient data and physician data between clinics/facilities.

Not complaining just asking if the Patients who frequent a particular clinic would want their records to indicate that.

fsgl wrote on Friday, October 31, 2014:

We’ve had a bug since 4.1.1 (12) scheduling appointments for ancillary facilities as described in Stephen’s thread. My workaround is cumbersome at best.

Stephen considered “slaying (that) dragon”. Don’t know if Sir Stephen or the beast is winning.

arnabnaha wrote on Saturday, November 01, 2014:

I agree with Terry…the report should show the name of the facility where the patient is seen.

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, November 06, 2014:

While that seems like a good idea, what if the patient was seen at several
different facilities? I have clinics like that… :slight_smile: nothing is ever
easy when you are trying do a system that works for a lot of different
models. This might be a place to use Rod’s Global for special clinic
types… Multi-Entity Clinic or something.


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