Top/Bottom Drop Down List in Left Menu

mike-h30 wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:

Can someone tell me what the “Default/Top/Bottom” drop down box is supposed to do?  I have tried selecting “Top” and “Bottom” and I am not seeing any change in behavior.  I am using OpenEMR 4.0.  If it isn’t doing anything I may comment it out in my installation.  Thanks.


tmccormi wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:

The pull down allows to over ride the default behavior of the next thing you select from the menu.  So.  If “calendar”, for instance, normally opens in the TOP frame and you want it to open, just this once, in the BOTTOM frame, select ‘bottom’ then select the menu item.


mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

Thanks for clarifying Tony!  This is a very interesting feature.  It solved my dilemma of being able to compare a past CAMOS encounter in one frame while creating a new CAMOS encounter in another frame.

I was able to create a new CAMOS encounter in the bottom frame while comparing a previous CAMOS encounter in the top frame by first using the “Encounter History” drop down to create a new CAMOS encounter in the bottom frame.   Then I selected “Top” from the drop down on the left menu, clicked “Visit History,” and then chose an older CAMOS encounter to view in the top frame.  However, one must be sure to create the new CAMOS form first before selecting an older CAMOS encounter for comparison because the “clone past visit” feature in CAMOS begins its count from the date of the selected CAMOS encounter for comparison rather than date of your new CAMOS encounter.

Also, I was not able to accomplish this task by only using the left menu.  It was the combination of using the “Encounter History” drop down and left menu “Top/Bottom” drop down that allowed me to achieve CAMOS encounters comparisons in different frames.  


mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

I may have spoken too soon.  When saving the new CAMOS form, it saves it to the previous encounter you are comparing instead of newly created encounter.   Perhaps this is a bug ??


drbowen wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

Mike are you guys still using concurrent view “0”.  This is know bug in concurrent view “0” if you have not upgraded.

Sam Bowen, MD

mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

Dr. Bowen,

We are using the new sliding menu (the default for OpenEMR 4.0).  We finally let go of the older style top menu in favor of the new and improved GUI.

This is know bug in concurrent view “0”

Is the bug you are referring to saving a form to the wrong encounter?  This only happened when I arranged a past encounter to compare in the top frame, and a new encounter in the bottom frame via the combination of the “Encounter History” drop down and left menu navigations.  When I saved my new CAMOS form, it saved to the older encounter I was comparing in the top frame rather than my new encounter in the bottom frame.

It was nice to be able to get two encounters on the same screen to compare, but saving to the wrong encounter is not good.  I am holding off on showing my users this feature for now.
