Time error

cornutaurus wrote on Monday, October 03, 2016:

Please help. I have set the timezone in PHP.ini file to America/Chicago but everytime we select “Arrived” in Flowboard, it gives a different time. Also the total time was incorrect. We are running 4.2.2

Thank you.

cmswest wrote on Monday, October 03, 2016:

do you mind confirming that you reloaded the webserver? like sudo service apache2 reload?

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2016:

Hi Nhat Vu,

Greeting from Visolve…!

Based on our observation the Total time is calculated based on Current time of the timezone(Current time of the system/server) - Arrive Time(Appointment created time) . Total time differs because of the time difference of default timezone (time of appointment ) and America/Chicago timezone.

Please get back to us for further assistance.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

cornutaurus wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2016:

Thank you,

Stephen. How could I reload the webserver? I tried uninstall apache and install it back again and it’s still the same.
ViSolve. How could I change the time difference? We are in Central time zone and the America/Chicago is the time zone for it. Why is there such a difference in time?

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2016:

sounds like apache has the correct time zone since ViSolve is pointing you to fix the date/time on your server, i.e. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime

cornutaurus wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2016:

Thank you Stephen,

I’m using Windows and it does set as Central time zone. I just don’t know why there is a difference.

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2016:

maybe this is relevant? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26269364/how-to-setup-timezone-xampp-mysql-and-apache

cornutaurus wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2016:

Thank you Stephen,

Got it to work.

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, October 05, 2016:

nice, you probably already took care of this but here’s more configuration details:

alexvolin wrote on Wednesday, November 02, 2016:

Unfortunatly this is not just a Windows-only problem. We use an Amazon Linux and have been struggling with it for some time without success. Apache server was set properly to the America/New York timezone and restarted many times. The ‘date’ command shows that our server has the right timezone:

[ec2-user@ip- ~]$ date
Tue Nov 1 21:00:51 EDT 2016

But we cannot get rid of the UTC in the program. Our calendar jumps to the next day at 8:00 p.m. EST. An encounter generated after that time has a next day’s date etc.
Probably there are some UTC left hardcoded in the program.

Any ideas what can be done with it?

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, November 02, 2016:

hi Alex, can you get a phpinfo() page to confirm that apache’s php module is set to your timezone?

alexvolin wrote on Friday, November 04, 2016:

Hi Stephen,
Thank you very much for a tip. Our php timezone appeared to be UTC. We somehow lost the right settings. It could happen when we upgraded to php5.6 and that php.ini became php5.6.ini. I have corrected the timezone in this file and everything is OK now.

But anyway just out of curiosity I found about 16 hardcoded UTC instances in our current version (4.2.2).

cmswest wrote on Saturday, November 05, 2016:

do you mind pointing one out for reference? thank you

i’m guessing you mean the vendor directory

alexvolin wrote on Sunday, November 06, 2016:

No problem. I’ve attached a text file containing a grep command output for a search string ‘UTC’. I am not an expert in the OpenEMR code but a bit concerned about instances of hardcoded UTC in the zend modules.