Thread for students, new graduates, and junior developers, who are interested in OpenEMR

growlingflea wrote on Monday, November 16, 2015:

Hi there. My name is Daniel Pflieger and I am a developer with Mi-squared. This thread is for students and new developers who are intersted in OpenEMR. Please take the time to introduce yourselves and network on this thread. Ask questions. Show interest. Make a good contribution, we will be impressed!!!

If you haven’t already done so, please examine the following links.

Get a github account and download the software.

Create a local host on their system and run openemr. Instructions here

haseeb4181 wrote on Tuesday, November 17, 2015:

Hi .I am an undergraduate student. I am new here . I want to take part in the development of openemr. Can you help me out in starting? and give any guidelines?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, November 17, 2015:


Welcome to the OpenEMR project!

Since this is an introduction thread:
I am Brady Miller. I’m a volunteer developer and one of the co-adminstrator’s of the project. I spend a good deal of my OpenEMR time with mentoring of new developers and doing code reviews.

The best way to start for new developers is to get an OpenEMR git repository up and running:
(always feel free to ask questions regarding this process on the forums, since it is well known that the learning curve of git/github can be steep)

Regarding figuring out a project to start on, there are several options. You could look through the bugs tracker on sourceforge and/or the Active Projects wiki page ( ) to see if your interested in anything there. Or can just ask us for guidance (and let us know if there is any subject/area you are interested in focusing on) and we can figure out a good entry project that will be a good fit.

Regarding guidelines, we do have some documentation here:
(but the best way to learn these is to learn them as you go(ie. just start working on a real project))


growlingflea wrote on Monday, November 23, 2015:


Welcome to the project. Let me know when you have things up and running. I am currently working on some training documents and I am interested in learning how effective they are.


chamayo wrote on Tuesday, November 24, 2015:

Hello everyone at OpenEMR,
I’m an undergraduate business & app dev student looking for an opportunity to extend my programming knowledge. I will go ahead and get things started on my side with sourceforge and GitHub to see where that takes me.
Thanks again,

I was able to get things started on my Windows machine right away as this is my preffered method of computer use.

growlingflea wrote on Wednesday, December 02, 2015:


Welcome to the project. Let me know when you have everything up and running. If you need help feel free to post questions here or to the community.