The requested URL /play/javascript-tabbed-navigation/ was not found on this server

aszliwoski wrote on Monday, August 08, 2016:

Hi all,

Just installed a fresh copy of OpenEMR 4.2.2 and I believe I installed/configured everything correctly. However, when I go into Edit Global Settings and click on any of the tabs I receive the following error:

Not found
The requested URL /play/javascript-tabbed-navigation/ was not found on this server.

I found an earlier post on this but doesn’t seem to indicate any sort of solution.

Any help on this would be great. Thank you.

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, August 08, 2016:

Sounds like the click event handler is blocked or otherwise not working. Possible you have JavaScript disabled or that firewall settings are interfering? What browser/version? If nothing else works, try a different one.


aszliwoski wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

It was happening intermittently until I noticed that I had to wait until the page fully loaded before changing tabs.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Thanks for the bug report, I understand the cause now. Any clue why the page is loading so slowly?


aszliwoski wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Seems kind of slow. Takes about 7 seconds for pages to load on localhost. Any way of speeding up load times?

aszliwoski wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Firebug indicates the response from GET edit_globals.php is taking 8.38 seconds. Not really sure why yet.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

That’s certainly not normal. Are other pages similarly slow? Might help if you describe your hardware and software configuration some more.


sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

I have created a tracker item for the 404 error.

This has nothing to do with your slow page loads though. I’m wondering if something like a virus scanner is the culprit.


aszliwoski wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Thank you for that information. All other pages are much more responsive.

Specs are as follows: i7-4790K @ 4.0, 16 GB RAM, Win 10 x64, WAMP 3.0.0 Stack, Apache/2.4.17 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.0.2e PHP/5.6.16, MySQL 5.7.9, phpMyAdmin 4.5.2. No AV except Window Defender.

aszliwoski wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

On an unrelated note, I can’t seem to get the SMS component configured. I’m following the the how-to guide and I’m stuck on step 3. Don’t see an option to set provider name or the body of the sms message.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

That’s certainly enough hardware. Very puzzling. Maybe try disabling Windows Defender.

Suggest you start another thread for the SMS issue.
