Test/Review: New style sheet

medfetch wrote on Friday, February 19, 2016:

As part of the rebase, I use a slightly different style sheet. If anyone has the time can you look at it and test it. I thought it was separate enough to leave it as it’s own review/apart fromt he Eye Exam form.

The latest codebase to this branch:

with the latest commit being:

and the style sheet is:




bradymiller wrote on Saturday, February 20, 2016:

Hi Ray,

Is this style sheet very different from the other style sheets?(would be nice to see how the diff compares to others)

Also, is it necessary for the eye form; if not, then I’d recommend giving it a more descriptive name.


medfetch wrote on Saturday, February 20, 2016:

Hi Brady,
It is not specific to the eye form, so it can be called anything.
It removes the pictures from left nav, indents the submenus, and has a different color scheme, that is all.
It has a navy/tan color palette so maybe style_tan.css?

tmccormi wrote on Saturday, February 20, 2016:

style_tan_no_icons.css perhaps

medfetch wrote on Monday, February 22, 2016:

ok. style_tan_no_icons.css it is.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, March 27, 2016:

Hi Ray,
Feel free to place this theme in a separate branch, since we can bring this into the codebase now if you wish.

medfetch wrote on Tuesday, March 29, 2016:

New branch created off the most recent master:

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, March 29, 2016:

Hi Ray,
I just added it to the codebase. Thanks for the contribution,