I’ve seen this a couple of times in the forums but haven’t seen an answer. I have installed openemr on two different systems and received the same error message when trying to add patients.
The systems are:
Windows 10 using WAMP 3 with PHP 5.6.16, Apache 2.4.17, and MySQL 5.7.9
Windows Server 2012 with PHP 5.6.16, MySql 5.7.9 and IIS 7
I have ensured that all the PHP settings are correct (though register_globals is missing) and still get the error in the subject line: Table ‘openemr.layout_options’ doesn’t exist.
Looking in the database and, yup, no table named ‘openemr.layout_options’ .
I’ve downloaded and re-downloaded, installed and re-installed, deleted and updated openerm with no luck. I uninstalled WAMP and downloaded the most recent version with no luck. Any ideas???
is there anything in your mysql error log?
What version of OpenEMR are you installing and from what link?
Is this a pre-built XAMMP zip flle or are you running the OpenEMR setup script at startup?
It’s openEMR Standalone 2.3.1 - downloaded from here. I’ve been running it from the setup script. It seems to install fine with no errors (after setting php.ini to the recommended settings)
This is all that’s in the error log:
2016-02-17T04:24:42.921405Z 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Resizing redo log from 23072 to 2320 pages, LSN=2471251
2016-02-17T04:24:43.042389Z 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Starting to delete and rewrite log files.
2016-02-17T04:24:43.567254Z 0 [Warning] InnoDB: New log files created, LSN=2471251
2016-02-17T23:09:01.792123Z 3 [Warning] Warning: Enabling keys got errno 0 on openemr.lang_constants, retrying
2016-02-17T23:09:30.861418Z 3 [Warning] Warning: Enabling keys got errno 0 on openemr.codes, retrying
The structure for that table (and contents) are in the sql/database.sql file in that zip, so it should have been created.
Did the table immediately after that, “list_options”, get created ?
It is possible that you are reading an old openemr database table from a failed previous install?
I would open mysql from the command line (or whatever windows 10 calls it) and make sure you drop any existing openemr database that already exists in mysql.
The only recent thread describing successful separate installs of stack & OpenEMR is here. That user had no choice because a package is not available for CentOS.
Even one of the certified contributors had a problem.
The packages had been developed expressly for the purpose of facilitating OE installs.
One can spend the time installing OE or devote the time learning how to deploy it.
That was my mistake on the version - it is 4.2.0 (not sure where I got that version number) List_options was created. I tried (and retried) dropping the table then running setup again - same result. It sets up lang_languages and lbf_data then list_options. When running the code from database.sql, I get an 1101 error (full text below)
CREATE TABLE layout_options ( form_id varchar(31) NOT NULL default ‘’, field_id varchar(31) NOT NULL default ‘’, group_name varchar(31) NOT NULL default ‘’, title varchar(63) NOT NULL default ‘’, seq int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, data_type tinyint(3) NOT NULL default ‘0’, uor tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘1’, fld_length int(11) NOT NULL default ‘15’, max_length int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, list_id varchar(31) NOT NULL default ‘’, titlecols tinyint(3) NOT NULL default ‘1’, datacols tinyint(3) NOT NULL default ‘1’, default_value varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’, edit_options varchar(36) NOT NULL default ‘’, description text, fld_rows int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’, list_backup_id varchar(31) NOT NULL default ‘’, source char(1) NOT NULL default ‘F’ COMMENT ‘F=Form, D=Demographics, H=History, E=Encounter’, conditions text NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘serialized array of skip conditions’, PRIMARY KEY (form_id,field_id,seq) ) ENGINE=MyISAM Error Code: 1101. BLOB/TEXT column ‘conditions’ can’t have a default value 0.000 sec
I got it to install - strict mode was set to on. I set it to off and ran the script after restarting MySql. It now brings up the interface for new patients. I’ll test it today and see if everything else is working.
Just expand the knowldege of possibilities. I have always installed openemr “manually” and succesfully and Ensoftek and Peace Corps run OpenEMR under IIS on Windows Server instead of Apache… so all things are possible, if not easy
I tried the .deb package one or twice just to see but did not like the default installation choices. Just my personal/corporate preferences, though.
The XAMPP zip is good for development and trials, but I think it is a potentential security risk of users that don’t understand how to configure a secure network installation.
I was writing from the average DIY-er’s point of view. Because OpenEMR is open source, vendors can do as they please in how they handle the application.
If a practice uses professional support as a matter of routine; any number of customizations can be had, provided money is no object.
If a practice never employs professional support, the most secure connection is none whatsoever.
Had Dr. Bowen & Brady not provided the Packages, I would not be using OE in my office today. The same would be true for many other offices.
If we ever have a Board meeting & we are twiddling our thumbs, waiting for a quorum to form; I may retell a little story about the 1st Amendment & the PRC.