Table form_eye_mag

OpenEMR 7.0.1
Debian 11

I’ve recently started work on an OpenEMR that’s been running for some time

Looking at the database I can see that the MyISAM table form_eye_mag is present. I am aware from here that this table was removed in 5.0.2

Please can someone here confirm that I’m good to remove this? Might seem like a obvious answer but as I said, I’ve only recently started working on this install

Thanks in advance

hi @d1Q , if you run the upgrade to 5.0.2 it should drop the table

Thanks for getting back

This EMR is already on 7.0.1 and the table is present

looks like the upgrade script to 5.0.2 was skipped though


Will that script run on 7.0.1?

sure, would def set up a test environment to check it out though

Ok, great, will test that

Sorry - do you have a link to the script in question?

It’s not going to downgrade me to 5.0.2 is it?

would re-run upgrade from 5.0.1 all the way to 7.0.1

Ok, this is going to take some time!

Thanks for your input

So I do the DB upgrade - “Please select the prior release you are converting from” select 5.0.1 and the table is still there afterwards. I don’t see any errors reported on the webpage


ok, that makes sense since the drop table and all the other stuff is predicated on #IfNotTable form_eye_base in sql/5_0_1-to-5_0_2_upgrade.sql

should be safe to drop the table but would confirm by testing in your test setup

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