SV105 in X12 file gives a 1 for the place of service instead of 11

oahendricks wrote on Friday, August 29, 2014:

I received notice from the office biller/coder that our claims were being rejected because the 2400 SV105 Facility Code Value is showing as a value of “1” in the X12 upload file instead of “11”

SV1 * HC:99205 * 602.67 * UN * 1***1

fsgl wrote on Friday, August 29, 2014:

If place of service is 11, office; it must be chosen from drop down menu.

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, September 04, 2014:

Hello O Hendricks,

From the above SV1 segment, there is no place of service code (SV1-05).

OpenEMR does not populate facility code in the SV1 segment of X12. If You need it, we need to customize in X12 generation.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

fsgl wrote on Thursday, September 04, 2014:

The cited segment is correct, (SV1 * HC:99205 * 602.67 * UN * 1***1), because it corresponds to Box 24G for Days or Units. It is Loop 2400, SV104(UN). Changing the ones after UN will cause the file to be rejected.

Box 24B, Place of Service, should be handled by Loop 2300, CLM05-1.

Had a look at an 837P file which was accepted by the clearinghouse. Found CLM01 (patient’s account number), but not CLM05-01 in the file.

fsgl wrote on Friday, September 05, 2014:

Found the script in the .php file for coding place of service, see attachment.

An example of Loop 2300, segment CLM from an accepted 837P:

A = 827-2456 = pid & encounter number
B = 195.03 = total charge
C = 11 = place of service

If 11 appears after the 3 astericks & the pos is office, then it should be correct.

yehster wrote on Friday, September 05, 2014:

SV105 is optional in the X12 spec, so when it was implemented for OpenEMR, it was just left blank.

The asterisk after the quantity is specified is where a facility code could be specified.

fsgl wrote on Friday, September 05, 2014:

Found X12 837p Reference for users who have difficulty deciphering the .php file.

It was edited by Brady 3 months after the 5010 format had been mandated in 2012. The Wiki article may have some holdovers from 4010. The author had written the article for the older format.