Superbill PopUp

tmccormi wrote on Monday, April 06, 2009:

What is this form supposed to look like?  In my Firefox and on both 2.9 and 3.0 it is a grid of alt-text tags.  The radio button driven superbill displays fine in the frame.

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, April 08, 2009:

For the record, this popup needs to be documented.  Here’s what I found out.

per Rod:
Basically it’s a blank printable version of your Fee Sheet, so it won’t look like much until you have a good collection of categories and services set up for your fee sheet.

There are two different ways to configure the fee sheet.  The normal one is to edit the fee sheet list in Administration/Lists.  The other is to create fee sheet categories (also a list) and then in the services area, assign categories to services.

See the code in interface/patient_file/printed_fee_sheet.php to get a better idea of what’s going on.