It is awfully tedious to enter the above-referenced data so I am considering setting up a form with tick boxes to reduce the text input. Has anyone else done this? I have used the form script with great success in the past but will need to do some work so the summary screen pulls data from that generate by the new form.
The form tool is very versatel. I have used it to create notes. You can use a drop down menu to hold common phases and parts of the sentense. It was awesome once completed. It can be done with tick boxes as well.
A new user interface for adding: problems, medications, allergies and test results is in development and coming soon . This UI will support the new DB schema supporting Meaningful Use stage 1 and fully coded CCR and CCD for problems, medications, allergies and test results.
Two things need to be done:
1) Within OpenEMR at Administration->Files: Modify the clickoptions.txt file (this is where you place the default entries that show up in the selector list at the top when adding a new issue).
2) Modify the following script: library/
-Modify $ISSUE_TYPES array under the following comment: // default version
–In your case, pretty much can replace dental with what you want to add
The quick and dirty way to do this is go to translations find “Dental Issues” CHANGE into "“ther Issues”. This only works for Change of the Name of other issues and should be redone after every upgrade. (So remember to make an note for the FUTURE of OEMR upgrades)