First of let me say that I am VERY impressed with Open EMR and I salute the developers and members of the Open Source Community. I am currently working on getting OEMR installed in a 5-doctor facility and I have couple of quick questions:
1. Has anyone doen any kind of stress-testing of the database in terms of number of records?
2. I have a database consisting of 100,000 records (busy practice!) and would like to know if there are any access issues that may arise when we go live.
If most of your searches use the ALL, which must check every field for a text match, then that will be a slow process on any server. But most are indexed, so even with a large number of records, are still rapidly searched with the indexed fields specifically shown. I have done no stress tests, but cannot imagine how a five user practice could be thought to tax OpenEMR, even if only on a notebook computer on a LAN. Your browser connectivity will be the speed limiter, not OpenEMR.