Step 4: Installing and Configuring Access Controls (php-GACL)

arguello2014 wrote on Thursday, July 17, 2014:

OpenEMR Setup

The previous steps are working well, the Data base is created in the HOSTING, but always crash on this step :frowning: (please help) the hosting is a vendor

Step 4

Installing and Configuring Access Controls (php-GACL)…

driver = mysql,
host = localhost:3306,
user = s6000022_openemr,
database = s6000022_openemr,
table prefix = gacl_Testing database connection…
Failed! ERROR connecting to database,
are you sure you specified the proper host, user name, password, and database in admin/
Did you create the database, and give read/write permissions to “s6000022_openemr” already?

fsgl wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

If possible, try installing the package.

arguello2014 wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

I reinstall the soft more of 3 times and the stop is inthe same step :frowning:

blankev wrote on Tuesday, July 22, 2014:

If the Hosting is a vendor of OpenEMR the answer should be within the contract. Let the vendor do the work.

If the hosting is a commercial party and you want to run OpenEMR on somebody elses server: you have to be very careful to delete everything, so also the database is deleted. To make a clean start for the next install and you can register/keep the correct password and login for OpenEMR software as for MySQL Database.

On a Server the MySQL Database is sometimes hidden behind the screens and only to be reached from within the Software installation pannel. (in my version I needed to create the Database from within cPanel)

In my cPanel version you can find the Login and PW for all databases used. But you need to have administration rights.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, July 24, 2014:

Neither the installation of the Windows package nor the Ubuntu-Debian package would entail the OpenEMR Setup steps shown here.

Package installations are the easiest to accomplish. Would suggest doing so.