The previous steps are working well, the Data base is created in the HOSTING, but always crash on this step (please help) the hosting is a vendor
Step 4
Installing and Configuring Access Controls (php-GACL)…
driver = mysql,
host = localhost:3306,
user = s6000022_openemr,
database = s6000022_openemr,
table prefix = gacl_Testing database connection…
Failed! ERROR connecting to database,
are you sure you specified the proper host, user name, password, and database in admin/
Did you create the database, and give read/write permissions to “s6000022_openemr” already?
If the Hosting is a vendor of OpenEMR the answer should be within the contract. Let the vendor do the work.
If the hosting is a commercial party and you want to run OpenEMR on somebody elses server: you have to be very careful to delete everything, so also the database is deleted. To make a clean start for the next install and you can register/keep the correct password and login for OpenEMR software as for MySQL Database.
On a Server the MySQL Database is sometimes hidden behind the screens and only to be reached from within the Software installation pannel. (in my version I needed to create the Database from within cPanel)
In my cPanel version you can find the Login and PW for all databases used. But you need to have administration rights.