I have already read every other post I can find on this, but I can’t find any solutions.
First of all - I am installing this on OS X via MAMP. I get to step 2 where I create the database and constantly get this error: “Connecting to MySQL Server… ERROR. Check your login credentials. unable to connect to database as root” - when leaving the root passoword blank or otherwise. I cannot figure out what to do with this. Like I said, I’ve read all the other threads, but none of their suggestions seemed to be helpful. Any advice?
Please make sure you have mysql user as root by login to mysql with root user credentails. If you have any issues during login please follow this link to reset your root password.
If you are successfully able to login then use those credentials in OpenEMR setup.
Hey, cashewguy,
I don’t know if you’ve solved your problem or given up, but I received similar messages at the same point during my efforts to install on an OSX system, and they seemed to stop when I turned off the activity in Firefox and in 1Password that was interrupting the install at the end of step 2 to ask “if I wanted to save this password”. That interruption consistently aborted the install.
see my verbose discussion of my experiences with installing OEMR on a XAMPP for OSX setup, posted today in the thread “Problems with restoring data in OSX install of OEMR”, and my March 23 post "Difficulty with Mac OSX OpenEMR install "
Don’t leave the mysql root user password as blank. Set any new password for mysql root user and use the same with OpenEmr installation. Then it will work without any issues. Follow and let me know whether it works or not.