I just realized that when I make a static text LBF, if I ever change the text in the LBF it will change the text that was in the previous notes I already saved using a LBF.
Is there any way to do this so that, if the text is changed in the LBF, it doesn’t alter the notes saved with the forms previously? If I can change any note I made previously, that could be a legal problem!
Any changes to old entries should be addressed by attaching an addendum.
While retaining the old Layout Based Visit Form, consider creating a new Layout Based Visit Form, namely a NationNote, (YouTube tutorial), which would give greater flexibility than say, an immutable Well Baby Visit note.
A library of components, or stock phrases, speeds up the process. Clicking components and typing in other elements is slower than using a pre-constructed form; however, the latter may dull clinical skills to detect subtle findings on physical exam if one perceives all exams to be essentially the same.
Editing of the components or adding new ones gives the ability to change the text over time without the appearance of medical-legal improprieties.
NationNotes also give the ability to incorporate hand drawings or illustrations into the body of the clinical note, i.e., the imaging of a FLK would be part of the genetic workup.
That is a inherent limitation with LBFs since there is no versioning facility. Here is an approach which will be messy in the designer but may work:
Change : (Note1 - blah blah) to unused.
Add following immediately after Note1 as : (Note1_v2 - blah blah blah).
This will retain the old information. If it does not display correctly, at worst you may have to modify the code to allow display of inactive form elements if they have values.