fsgl wrote on Monday, November 25, 2013:
As 2013 draws to a close, a number of us are preparing for Stage 1 Meaningful Use Attestation. The Clinical Decision Rules are pre-packaged for the Core and Alternate Clinical Quality Measures, therefore Internal Medicine and Pediatrics colleagues will readily find the data in the Standard Measures Report without any customization.
For those of us in the other specialties, Rules must be added; if we cannot attest to the Core or Alternate Measures. Setting up Rules is not a simple nor intuitive process. Fortunately, Brad Gregg of MI-squared authored Clinical Decision Rules (CDRs) Guide, which lifts the veil of mystery on the topic. It was only recently that I came upon this valuable document.
The Diabetic Dilated Exam, Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma Measures are all working properly. It is gratifying to know that my work-around is no longer required and every aspect of data genesis is fully functional for attestation.