Hi all,
When I attempt to run the Standard Measures or Quality Measures report, the query begins to run then get stuck on a patient number. I’ve seen the query resting on patient 2600/2984 now for the past 30 minutes. Any thoughts on what could be causing this malfunction and how I should go about fixing the issue? Thank you.
Thanks, I was reading through the post and the last post seems to cut off in November. Was the issue ever resolved? I actually currently have version 4.1.2 and since upgrading I have never been able to run a completed report. I just included one line item from the report history list below. I am about to reinstall 4.1.2 and upgrade the current patch on my test machine, then transfer over my data to just see if maybe it is an installation issue. Anything else I should take a look at?
After, I reinstalled, updated the most current patch, and reloaded my database the Standard Measures report seemed to run without a hitch. I am now running the CQM. This appears to be running pretty slowly. I will keep you posted and check the error log.
Ok, super delayed response I know, but my reports are still timing out. I think based on how my web server is configured by the host I don’t have access to the php error log. Can I create a local one to view the issue? If so, how can I do that? Thanks for the assistance. It certainly would be nice to have the report features work, so I don’t have to use Sql Queries all the time.
It’s going to be impossible to trouble shoot this without getting php error log. Ask your host for this; they should definitely provide you access to this in one form or another.
The hosting site has updated the global php.ini file to store the error logs in a folder on the server. The code looks like:
log_errors = On
display_errors = Off
error_log = /home/“domain”/private/php-errors.log
Is this correct? I have since attempted to run reports. The reports have failed to run, but no log message has been created. I am discussing with host, but was hoping maybe you had some insight. Thank you again.
I am uploading a picture of what my screen looks like when attempting to run one of these reports. Everyone of them time out and the timing out doesn’t create an error log??
What do you see at Reports->Clinic->Report Results ?
To test the logging engine, place below at the top of your interface/globals.php script below the header (ensure it’s within a set of php code tags; this is just temporary):
error_log(“DEBUG HOWDY”,0);
After going into OpenEMR, you should have numerous “DEBUG HOWDY” entries in your php error log.