
drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 14, 2005:

How does one view the reports in SQL-Ledger?

I never see anything there…

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, June 20, 2005:

Not sure what you mean. What exactly are you trying to do? We are able to (using version 2.7.2 and stock sql-ledger 2.4.12 whatever the latest one is as of May 21, 2005) view the invoices created via billing and changes made via the EOB entry.

drbowen wrote on Monday, June 20, 2005:

I am trying to teach myself how to perform the billing cycle.  (I do not routinely use OpenEMR for its billing functions at this time.)

I can enter CPT codes, ICD codes and justify them.

After that point I don’t know what to do to actually complete the billing cycle.  generate an electronic claim , send a batch to  Proxymed/Zirmed, have these balances transferred to SQL-Ledger from OpenEMR.  View an account in SQL-Ledger, Post payments to SQL-Ledger from an EOB.  Age accounts in SQL-Ledger.

This is an important part of the documentation in OpenEMR and I would like to add this to the current documentation. 

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

I execute the following steps:

For patients in the system prior to the FreeB and SQL-Ledger being enabled:

complete demographics

start new encounter

complete vital signs

enter progress note

I then use Rod Roarks fee sheet

enter a CPT code

enter the ICD code

Justify the cpt code to the ICD code.

This enters the CPT and matching ICD into the billing que.

I then go to the billing section.

The patient, CPT and ICD code are displayed.  There are drop down boxes on the left that says unassigned with no other option.  There is a very small drop down box that is blank.

I check the box on the far right hand side of the page.  This activates the five center buttons in the top center of the page. 

I check process X12.

I then click on start batch processing. I get a message that batch processing may take a while.  I wait a bit and click the OK button.

At this point there is a CPT and ICD code listed under the patients billing.

When I click on view printable report I see appropriate billing information with the correct CPT/ICD pair.

When I click view log I get:

Not Found -  The requested URL /demo/openemr/library/freeb/process_bills.log was not found on this server.

When I click reports, the url opens in a new window but is a blank white page.


I don’t see any info in SQL-ledger about the patient (mary smith, pid #1)


Adding a new patient

When a new patient is entered:
demographics added
encounter, CPT, ICD, justification completed

The new patient is this case,  John Wayne  (pt 22).

John Wayne gets pushed over to SQL-Ledger as a new customer.

His CPT and ICD9 information does not show up in the billing section.

These are viewable at the http://www.oemr.org/demo/openemr and http://www.oemr.org/sql-ledger

Any thoughts?

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

You need to make sure the library/freeb directory is writable by the apache process; i.e. that it can create the process_bills.log file.

Also you may need to set up an X12 partner (under Administration/Practice Settings) as well as assign an insurance plan in the patient demographics before the processing will work.  These are what your empty drop-down boxes in the billing section are about.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

Do you think it would useful to set up an account with either Zirmed  or Proxymed?  Would this improve the demo in any way?

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

Wouldn’t be safer and more secure to have a different directory for this besides library/freeb?

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

There are a number of installations out there that are going to have existing demographics that will not push to SQL-Ledger.

Would there be a way of writing a tool to do a one time import of pre-existing patients into SQL-Ledger?

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

Re clearinghouse demo accounts: not necessary to get through the FreeB process, but would certainly help show the big picture.  I doubt they would allow a publicly accessable test account though.

Re location of the log file: yes, some other place would probably be better.

Re getting old demographics into SL: yes a conversion tool could be made fot this.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:

The write permissions on

openemr/library/freeb  seems to have helped a lot.

I added a dummy ProxyMed account as an X12 partner.

Run test:

Running Command: perl /usr/share/freeb/formatbin/x12.pl ‘22-48’ /tmp/log-20050621-1923415926.log

Boilerplate text …

0000 0001 Can’t locate object method “new” via package “ConfigFile” (perhaps you forgot to load “ConfigFile”?) at /usr/share/freeb/lib/FreeB/FB.pm line 63.
0002 0003

Claim test has completed running

The file:


Appears to be empty.

I just ran
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install ConfigFile

and restarted apache.

The results are the same as above.

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2005:



PHP Notice:  Constant ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC already defined in /var/www/htdocs/oemr/demo/openemr/library/sql.inc on line 6

PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  SERVER_NAME in /var/www/htdocs/oemr/demo/openemr/includes/config.php on line 49

Creating job for: 23-60 as hcfa returning pdf.

Claim for PatientID: 23, Encounter: 23-60 processed successfully. Results are in file:

I’m not sure where to find 2005-06-21-23-60.hcfa.pdf.

It’s not in openemr/library/freeb/
or /usr/share/freeb

All of the log files in /tmp are empty.

tekknogenius wrote on Wednesday, June 22, 2005:

The files will be in /usr/share/freeb/public (the default) or whatever you set it to in the config.php $GLOBALS[‘oer_config’][‘freeb’][‘claim_file_dir’].