Currently using OpenEMR 3.2 and the lab company I am using is Spectrum Labs. Is any office using these two? Would like the demographics I put into OpenEMR to be also inputed into Spectrum’s Atlas system. Before upgrades and such there was a clunky bridge they set up using a pdf file from demo reports however when I upgraded it changed the pdf format. They are going to try and reestablish this capability but I just think that this has been done before.
Also the lab report section is already in the files for openemr but does anyone have this working?
We have laboratory results being delivered into OpenEMR form LabCorp. We are now doing the initial design work for the Computerized Physician Order Entry for LabCorp, radiology orders, and referrals. It should be farely easy to incorporate Spectrum into the Laboratory Order Entry.
There are four proposed solutions to integrate E-Prescribing into OpenEMR. Currently Phyaura, MMF, and Andres Paglayan have made proposals to the OpenEMR Meaning Use Work Group and MI-2 (Tony McCormick’s group) has been working on a fully integrated solution with SureScripts. Of these Phyaura and MMF are the most functional at this time.
We also have Spectrum in our area and would be interested in establishing this interface. E-mail me off list with your Spectrum Labs customer service rep contact info and we can start this discussion with them.