Hi everybody
For all those interested in translating to spanish. Because of the many different spanish dialects, I propose that the spanish speaking community interested get together and establish a common or neutral ground. This is known as Neutral or Standard Spanish.
Small example: Some folks use the word Doctor and others use the word Medico for their health care provider.
Use of this would be quite invaluable to OEMR and avoid the existance of multiple language tables specific to different countries (id Mexico, Columbia, Agrentina…)
Is it necessary (or desirable) to have an English term in "lang_constants" table for all of the terms that need translation?
I am a bit confused about how to proceed with a translation and then how to install a new translation into the main OpenEMR CVS code. My wife (and all of her family) are native German speakers and could help very easily with a GErman translation. I also know a Russian who is a graduate of Moscow University who likes helping people learn Russian.
I wish we could create a better HOWTO on the wiki so that those who can help with translations find it less intimidating.
I have had offers to translate in Hebrew, Greek, Rumanian among others.
Hi Sam
Well if I re-call correctly, (and someone please correct me if I’m wrong), the way it works is whatever is located within the xl() function is what gets translated. So if you have a xl(‘dog’,‘e’) somewhere in the code, the constant has to be exactly the same for a match and lookup for the correct translation. Hence you would have ‘dog’ as a constant.
So, since the native language of most of our developers is English, I guess thats the reason that what’s in the xl() is in English.
Right now all you should have to do is go the the language screen, select your language and translate whatever is in English to the language you selected.
Dont forget to set the language in interface/globals.php
// Language Control Section (will add toggling)
// English:1, Swedish:2, Spanish:3, German:4, Dutch:5, Hebrew:6
define (‘LANGUAGE’,1);
I have noticed that Admin->lists also allows for changing text on some of the input screens. So if you change an options TITLE in Language, from English to Ingles. The pulldown option for language in the patients demographics will now have the word Ingles.
I assume that then we use constants for tranlating screen text and Lists for translating the options and choices on those screens.