Apologies if this isn’t the right place, but I’ve heard you’re easy- going so I took a chance.
I’m preparing to edit the ‘LBV form’ wiki page, adding screenshots, a little more explanatory detail and adding a couple more steps in the step- by- step approach to building the forms. I think I understand it pretty well but I just can’t get a handle on the label column/ data column thang. The only statement about them that I’m confident in making is, if the values of the label and data columns are the same for all the objects in the group they will be stacked, so to speak; if they’re label cols = 1 / data cols = 0 for all the objects in the group, they will all be displayed on the same line. I may not know what to search for but I can’t find any further explanation in the wiki. Can anybody direct me to some helpful info?
One other thing- I notice that when subsequent groups are added only the group name is displayed unless the checkbox is selected. Is there a way to make the group appear by default, or conditionally on some event upstream in the data entry flow?
Layout in LBF world is a (n rows X 4 columns) table. Normally this would be label-1,data-1,label-2,data-2, , …
Values for label cols and data cols are used to manipulate this scheme. e.g. if you set data-cols=2, the layout will be label-1, data-1, data-2, label-3,…
Best way to understand is to either pull up the code or try different combinations on the demo site in two browser windows.
Re. group - the current coding leaves very little room for assigning any meaningful attributes to the ‘group’. May be the LBF gurus here know a way to better manipulate the groups…
Look->Administration->Layouts->Demographics; Label and Data Column values are almost irrelevant. The maximal number of Fields is four per line. The number of Fields per line depends on the size of each Field.
Large Fields will take up a whole line while more Fields will fit a line if they are small. If Fields 1,2,3 and 4 must be on one line and in that order from left to right, the size of each Field must be small enough to fit. Trial and error comes in play in the determination of the size for fit and symmetrical layout due to the variation of the user’s display.
After saving Groups and Fields, all entries should appear when the form is pulled up again. The Demo goes awry as the day progresses, therefore it may be more efficient to experiment on your copy reserved for that purpose. The checkboxes allow editing, deleting and re-ordering of the Fields. These same functions for Groups are performed via the buttons to the right of Add Field.