The server that hosts the OpenEMR demos and the git mirroring script (this is what mirrors sourceforge git repo to github and others) is going down from 8/23/13 - 8/28/13. The server is moving across several states during this time; these dates should be the worst case scenario. Of course the project website will stay up since hosted on sourceforge, so if anybody wants to keep a OpenEMR demo going, please feel free to link a demo on the demo wiki page (only guideline is that it needs to be OpenEMR out of the box; with most recent patch or with sample data is of course ok, though).
Thanks for managing these tools. Just for clarification, by “project website” you mean correct? So the wiki and other documentation will all still be available during the transition. I didn’t realize that address was being hosted by sourceforge.
Yes, material (wiki etc.) is hosted on sourceforge and will stay up. It is just the demos and the git mirroring script. Thanks for the OpenEMR 4.1.1 demo link Sherwin. Would also be nice to get a 4.1.2(1) demo link up if anybody has one (note we get about 140 unique users daily to the demo).
The link is now posted. Someone has posted sample data. If someone could please post most sample data in the next few days, I will freeze it and make a snapshot. Then have it to reload everyday like the Brady had up before.
The Conestoga carrying the Demo’s server must have gotten stuck in the mud. There are parts of the South with mud holes 2 feet deep and farmers have to wear full leg boots to yank their tractors out. (tongue in cheek)
We are managing well as a result of Sherwin’s efforts.
The server is in place and turned on, but it didn’t magically start working
as I had hoped. Still some IP/DNS server issues to likely clean up before
it will start working. Should be able to problem solve it and get it up
over the weekend.
The Canestoga carrying the Demo’s server must have gotten stuck in the
mud. There are parts of the South with mud holes 2 feet deep and farmers
have to wear full leg boots to yank their tractors out. (tongue in cheek)
We are managing well as a result of Sherwin’s effort.
The oemr has created a duplicate of the demo infrastructure if you
prefer. see demo selection. Still need to duplicate the source
push to the replica’s. Not sure we have the permissions though, if you
would like help with that as well.