Solved: Save and Dispense To Auto Calculate Price

Steps to have the price of medication prescribed to a patient auto calculated and that amount auto added to the bill.

1 Calculate the price of one tablet manually and enter that value in ndc_number when entering a new drug.
for already saved drugs , the ndc_number values can be entered by clicking on the drug name.
2 open dispense_drug.php ( file location interface/drugs/dispense_drug.php)
find on or around line 68

	if (!$fee) {
    	$fee = 0.00;
and replace with the below code. Ad the below code 
/auto calculate the fee for no of tablets prescribed and add that amount to the bill.
	ry {
   	$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=YourDatabaseName 'DatabaseUsername', 'DatabasePassword');

    	/ Prepare the SQL statement
    	stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT ndc_number FROM drugs WHERE drug_id = :drug_id");

    	/ Bind the parameters
    	stmt->bindParam(':drug_id', $drug_id);

    	/ Execute the statement

    	/ Fetch the row
    	row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    	/ Get the ndc_number
    	ndc_number = $row['ndc_number'];
	 catch (PDOException $e) {
   	echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

	f (!$fee) {
   	if (isset($ndc_number) && is_numeric($ndc_number)) {
        $fee = ($quantity * $ndc_number);
    	 else {
        echo "The variable \$ndc_number is not set or not a number.";

second edit(better if this is also done), it makes the fee field visibe readonly.

find file

on line 137

                        <input class="input-sm" type="text" name="disp_fee" size="5" maxlength="10" value="<?php echo attr($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['DISP_FEE']->value);?>
" />

replace with the below code

<input class="input-sm" type="text" name="disp_fee" size="5" maxlength="10" readonly
                        value="<?php echo ""?>"

save the changes and try addign a new drug to the prescription. the price will be automatically calculated and the same amount will be billed to the patient.