Snomed installation problem

cjong wrote on Tuesday, October 01, 2013:

Hello: I use Ubuntu 12.04. I have been unable to install the Snomed database on either OpenEMR 4.1.1 or 4.1.2. When I go to Administration -> Other -> external data loads -> and click on Snomed (after having moved the zip file to /var/www/openemr/contrib/snomed/) and then click on install, it says “error: could not copy file.”

Could someone give me a hint as to what I’m doing wrong?

bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 04, 2013:


Ensure your apache has write privileges to the directory in OpenEMR->Administration->Globals->Miscellaneous->‘Path to Temporary Files’


bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 04, 2013:

Also will get more information in the php error log.