Since upgrading to 5.0.1 getting database errors

OEMR 5.0.1 Windows R2012 PHP 7.1.9 Apache 2.4.27 MySQL 5.7.19

 InnoDB: Could not find a valid tablespace file for `openemr5/x12_partners`. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.

Getting a whole lot of these since the upgrade.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@visolveemr @zhopenemr

mysql.log (398.3 KB)

I figured out what this error is and it IS NOT and upgrade issue.

This is a previous database issue. The openemr5 is the previous database name before changing it. So, the records so how got orphaned in the InnoDB.

I had to recreate the empty database so that it could clear it from the system properly.

Log file is empty now. Database is running better. It would be good to go through these instructions to maximize the InnoDB operation.