Significance of certain fields in 'codes' database

I am preparing to add about 850 procedure codes and fees, MIPS codes, and customized ICD-10 eye related diagnostic codes into the ‘codes’ database by the methods laid out in

When I look at the fields available in this database, I see that there some fields whose significance is not clear. I can easily set these to a value or leave them as defaults, but I’m not sure what to do with them. It would be a whole lot easier to do it through the .CSV spreadsheet than going back to do them individually later.

What is the significance and function of the fields:
financial_reporting and

And should I preset them, if so to what values? I would think that I would want to set them all to active, reportable, and financially-reportable, but this is not mentioned in the instruction page referenced above. No idea what to use for revenue code.

How does the ‘related_code’ field work? There are some MIPS codes, like those for glaucoma and diabetes where you are always supposed to report two codes together each time. Would the associated code go in this field?


It depends on the tools you have at your disposal. You can use a spreadsheet if you have phpmyadmin or mysql workbench to look at the database.

My advice would be to mimic the data that is in the table already and not so much overly concerned about the column headers. You asked how does the related_code field work.

Honestly it is just a column label so that when the coder wants to access the data in that column. S/He knows where to find it. Look at the image below. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the response. The table is currently empty, so I have no other information to go on.

Now, i just have to figure out how to get back into PHPMyAdmin again. Wasted 6 hours Saturday trying all sorts of password resets, and then suddenly it worked again. Now, i can’t get back in again. Seriously annoying.