kietvta wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
When I input data for lab ressult, when I “Sign results”, the OPENEMR raised “Not authoried” error.
Can you please help me.
Thank you
kietvta wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
When I input data for lab ressult, when I “Sign results”, the OPENEMR raised “Not authoried” error.
Can you please help me.
Thank you
visolveemr wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Hi OpenEMRLover…
Greetings Again…!
You need to approve the access previlege for the particular user to allow sigining the results…
Enable the “Sign Lab results” (Admin -> ACL -> Groups and AccessControl) to the approipriate user and trying sigining it again.
Let us know if it helps.
ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team
kietvta wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
I’m currently use Admin login. Do I need to approve the access previlege?
visolveemr wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Yes, for administrator, the privilege is not enabled by default and need to be done manually if required. For physician its enabled by default.
ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team
kietvta wrote on Thursday, June 23, 2016:
Thank you so much for your quick support.