Setting up statement dunning messages

teryhill wrote on Sunday, December 28, 2014:

Thanks fsgl I really appreciate your help and guidance.


teryhill wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:

do you want me to put the instructions I have for the statements up on the wiki also (under supplementals)


fsgl wrote on Monday, December 29, 2014:

Please do.

I think Brady will have the Day Sheet in 4.2.1, but not sure when Dunning Messages will premiere.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, December 30, 2014:


For the End of Day reports and Statement Dunning on the wiki, it’s easier to support a separate wiki page(that contains link to pdf in addition to any other instructions) rather than a straight link to the pdf. This then allows centralized editing/creating of a wiki page on the subject (at some point, it will make sense to likely convert the pdf to a wiki page) and wiki categorizations. The wiki pages are already there.

Hopefully will get these features out in the next 4.2.0 patch.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, March 24, 2015:

bump (reminder to myself and others to review the dunning code)

cverk wrote on Thursday, March 26, 2015:

In the EOB posting search area, if you click on a patient name it gives a popup labeled billing note. What I did was make a link to that on the bottom of my printed billing statements, so we can make a custom notation to the patient that will print on their statement rather than a generic dunning message. If that is of interest, I can go back and try to document which files I changed to do that. It was an entry for something like genericval2.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, March 26, 2015:

See Harley’s article.