Senior Home / Resident Care


I tried looking around however could not find if open-emr has a plugin/extension or provides out of the box functionality to be used at senior resident homes…

I am very interested in utilizing the patient record module however with added fields such as “room number”, “emergency contact”, etc…

Would it be possible to add extra fields to it.


Hello mb_care,
It is possible to add additional fields to patient record, to add a room number to the text field we can do the following.
1.Go To Administration > layouts.
2.In the page displayed select Demographics from option Edit Layout, There you will see the groups and its respective fields.
3.For the room number, we hope to add the field in the Who group.
4.For adding a field click Add Field in the Who group and following columns need to be filled. They are,
1.Order : The sequence order of the field to be added.
2.Label : The label for the field to be added.
3.ID : The id is the lowercase of label.
4.UOR: Select whether the option is Unused, Optional or Required.
5.Datatype: For Room number its generally a textbox.
6.Size and Maximum Size : Set the size and maximum size of the field.
7.List : If the values are limited to 5-10 then we can specify the list name here.
8.Label Cols and Data Cols: Specify 1 for each of the fields.
9.Description: Give the description for the field given.


Thank you :slight_smile: