Send Messages via WhatsApp

Any integration should be done to our SMS module therefore if I can get three folks ready to make a small donation to the OpenEMR foundation, I will jump on this for our next release.

my hand is up for the donation. how do we donate? and how much do we need to raise for this feature

Holaaa. Pudiste solucionar los recordatorios por wwp?

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Is there a page for this type of thing? Requested features and donation progress on adding them. A silent notification icon with badge for number is new notifications in openemr deployments? Could be used for development notifications that link to the feature page.

We(Admins) are in the process of adding a feature to sign up and sponsor projects. The monies will be collected and distributed once completion is accepted. We’re trying to make it as transparent as possible.

For WhatsApp I’m going to take another look to see how long and what limitations the integration will take. I get back here soon!