Searching for appointments - No Results

moe233 wrote on Monday, August 08, 2016:


I’m new to OpenEMR and just installed OpenEMR 4.2.2 version.

I made some scheduled appointments (past and present) and I’m trying to find it using the “Searching for appointments” page (accessed by the search button above the mini calender, but I keep getting the “No Results” search result. I also double checked the dates to ensure valid search parameters.

I tried to search for any previous discussions on the topic but didn’t find any. I tried it on the demo site ( and also got the “No Resuts” message as well. I’m I missing something?


visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Hi Moe,
We checked for the same and seems this could be a breakage with OpenEMR version 4.2.2.

The same functionality works good with the previous versions.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

gowepp wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Hello Moe,

Please update the file,


line no. 88(in our instance) search for foreach ($A_EVENTS as $eDate => $date_events) {

and replace with foreach ($this->get_template_vars('A_EVENTS') as $eDate => $date_events) {

This will resolve the issue. Let us know if this helps.

Wepp Team

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Can you place this fix in a git/github commit(so we can fix it in the codebase)?

gowepp wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Sure Brady,

We can place the commit. Could you please share the procedure to do the same?

Wepp Team

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

Do you have a git/github repository?

gowepp wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

No Brady.

Would you like us create one?

-Wepp team

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:


Yes, then it is much easier for you to provide bug fixes and code to the project.

Follow the instructions here on setting up an OpenEMR repository on github(and feel free to ask any questions along the way):


arnabnaha wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:

The github fix is here -

Thanks Wepp Team and moe for the bug finding and solution.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 09, 2016:


I just committed this to the codebase. Thank you Wepp team and Arnab for the contribution!


moe233 wrote on Wednesday, August 10, 2016:


Thanks for all the responses. I just updated the file and it worked perfectly.

Just getting starting with OpenEMR and I really like it so far. Hope I can help out in the future.

Great app guys!