I have been altering OpenEMR almost daily as I find need for new or different features or when something doesn’t work the way I expect it to. I made up a new set of screenshots with explanation:
Altering OpenEMR in need of new and different features is all what Open Source is about, and I more than happy about that.
The best way to have your modifications integrated would be sending the .diff patch files to one of the developers so we can merge them with the main repository.
In this way you’ll save the burden of re-merging branched files with each new CVS repo download, you can gain commiting privileges after a couple of good mods, and you’ll be giving back to the project (GPL).
I sent you a diff file through email. I browsed the CVS repository and picked the file change at the top and downloaded it. I made my changes, saved as a new file and ran diff on the old and new file. I sent you the output in the body of an email.
Is there a certain way you want the diffs done? Was I supposed to send additional information so you know what file version I used from the repository or is it assumed that I should have used the one at the top?
If there is a particular way that diffs should be done, let me know. It would also be useful to have in a faq (sorry if it is already and I did not find it.
I got the diff for the patient search file
thank you,
I will be commiting it this afternoon along with other diffs sent by others, (the translation part is going well too)
what you did is good, there’s no instructions posted in the wiki, I will write them down.
the only change I would do is sending the diff in a .diff file attachment, if it can be a unix type of end line, then better, but it isn’t realy an issue.
Andres, could you also update database.sql to reflect the changes that you recently committed? I did a fresh install yesterday and there were some problems because of this… it should not be necessary to run an upgrade script for a new install.
(1) Re DOB – there are lots of places in OpenEMR where dates are entered, and it would be a real mess (both programatically and visually) to change them all like this. I think it would be cleaner to modify library/textformat.js (and perhaps a couple of other places) to suppport the desired presentation format.
(2) Re marking encounters with open issues to address – the recent updates to Patient Notes may be better for this. A note can be entered describing some action item and addressed to any desired staff person, and can subsequently be updated and forwarded to someone else, and eventually closed. This all becomes part of the patient’s chart.
(3) Your enhancements to the copay form included insurance selection and writeoffs. These things are already handled on the Billing page and in the EOB posting form, respectively.
(4) Your payment/receipt processing seems useful, but we should probably try to merge it with the "front office payments" feature that I recently added. They are currently not quite the same thing, but having both will create confusion.
(5) Your changes to the billing page might be better implemented as a separate report, since the billing page is primarily intended to serve the process of billing insurance.
(6) You might find that modifying acl.inc is an easier way to implement your custom access control. That way you would not have to customize every single place where access is checked.
1) agreed - just a temporary fix for my staff really.
2) agreed - using open/closed code confuses billing
3) copay changes have been incredibly useful to me. I threw in the insurance and write off options for future use, but I have not used them yet. As I now start to get on some insurance plans, I will gain experience in this area.
4) The payment/receipt processing is incredibly useful also. I enter codes after seeing a patient at the time when I am supposed to be writing prescriptions and documenting. When the patient is sent up to the front desk, the receptionist sees the charges and total in the lower right frame (diagnosis.php), applies the payment appropriately with copay and prints the receipt which should be adequate for those who want to submit it for reimbursement.
5) agreed - it could really be a copy of the same page with my changes and remove some of the billing features. I use it throughout the day to monitor activity and watch for data entry errors. It also allows me to monitor over time how the practice is doing.
6) I am going to start working with phpgacl now since it is already in place.
The changes I made to selecting forms and ordering display of forms in reporting is pretty cool also but not displayed in these screen shots.
Also, look at the new array table with associated applications in forms and in add_issues. I think I emailed this to you.
I can add screen shots of the additional features and even a test version of the program.
I think I know exactly what you mean by printing reports. As it was, encounter data was ordered by the order it was inserted into the database. For Example, suppose you have a form for history, review of systems, vital signs, and physical. Then, you forget to enter the history and you go back and enter it after the other forms are filled out. When you go to print your form, the history will be at the bottom, which is not the way you want to print your reports.
I have made a change which lets you assign a priority number to each registered form. This will control the order they are printed regardless of the order you entered them.
There is currently a small bug in the version in CVS which I have fixed here locally and I will submit soon.
In the next version coming out, it should be no problem at all to control the order your forms are printed in a report.
If you are talking about the formatting of data in the report, that depends on the report.php file in each individual form directory. These could be improved easily by form authors.
Thnx Mark
I cant stop myself to give you thnx for your past help and hope you will help me this time as well.
would you mind to do help to develop a form as shown below and to get exact copy in print report.
as you have already develop this type of form and provided it to me yet i m in need of a canged version of it as per my new requirement.
Dear Mark
This is my text files. formscript.pl is not working on this txt files. could you please modify this txt files so that i can run formscript.pl files to generate form???