wouterswart wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
Is it possible to make the schedule start or end on half hourly times e.g. 0830 and 1730? Changing the values in globals.php to something like 830 and 1730 makes a mess of the schedule.
wouterswart wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
Is it possible to make the schedule start or end on half hourly times e.g. 0830 and 1730? Changing the values in globals.php to something like 830 and 1730 makes a mess of the schedule.
tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
Yes. There is a Globals setting for the time increment: see interface/globals.php
// change these to reflect when the daily view should start to display times
// as well as it should end. ex schedule_start = 9 schedule_end = 17
// start end times in hours
$GLOBALS['schedule_start'] = 8;
$GLOBALS['schedule_end'] = 17;
// This is the time granularity of the calendar and the smallest interval
// in minutes for an appointment slot:
$GLOBALS['calendar_interval'] = 15;
tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
the ‘code’ tags still don;t work right….
wouterswart wrote on Wednesday, April 21, 2010:
Thanks, but my problem hasn’t been solved yet - I basically want to know how I can start the schedule at a time other than a full hour e.g. 08h30 rather than 08h00. I don’t want bookings for 08h00 if the physicians are only available from 08h30.
bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, April 21, 2010:
check out the manual here:
Note the ‘In Office’ and ‘Out of Office’ can be used to limit the open schedule time (these times are used in the find next available appt feature also).
The globals setting is what times the calendar shows, but the physicians “open” times should be configured by above mechanism.
As an aside, would likely take programming (ie. not a simple setting) to allow using non-integer times in the calendar time globals settings.
wouterswart wrote on Sunday, April 25, 2010:
My problem is that all users seem to have rights to access the Calendar (not forced to search for next available appointment) where they can schedule appointments at will.
How do I limit user access to the Calendar?
bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 26, 2010:
This feature would require some coding.
Can turn off calendar in interface/globals.php by setting GLOBALS to true, and setting GLOBALS to …/new/new.php .
Could create another acl (access control) to give control to the view and/or edit calendar to furhter control via above mechanism. Then some coding (along with another acl) to give users find avail calendar screen without seeing the actual calendar. Three options to get this project done:
1) Code it yourself (we’re always happy to provide feedback and guidance)
2) Submit a feature request in the tracker here, and see if a volunteer will pick it up
3) Fund a pro to do it
I agree this would be a useful feature,