Is there a script for scanning patient meds into OpenEMR or is there a different way, such as 3rd party software? Or can a script be created to perform this task?
Samuel Eddinger
Is there a script for scanning patient meds into OpenEMR or is there a different way, such as 3rd party software? Or can a script be created to perform this task?
Samuel Eddinger
there is a scanner option
That’s what the flutter app is working towards, you might want to check in there and post an issue asking how to use it with your instance.
I just click on the link you provided then it takes you to the flutter app? Is there a login link, do have to create an account once your there and submit your question?
Samuel Eddinger
it’s an app that has to be installed on your device, it’s pretty beta but thought you might be interested
Hi Stephen,
Can you send me the link on how to install the OpenEMR mobile app on your phone and can it run on ios?