wjbaptis wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:
Is there a report where we can see the sales groups by Provider/Practitioner? There’s a generic sales report but it does not have this column like the cash report has. Thanks.
wjbaptis wrote on Tuesday, September 24, 2013:
Is there a report where we can see the sales groups by Provider/Practitioner? There’s a generic sales report but it does not have this column like the cash report has. Thanks.
fsgl wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2013:
Describe in more detail the required elements of the report that you are seeking.
What is the purpose of the report?
visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2013:
There is no sales report with the Provider filter anywhere.
But the Sales Report under Reports->Financial->Sales section can be customized to include a Provider Filter similar to the Cash Report.
You need to include the Queries to filter by provider in the file
OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,
visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2013:
From our understanding, this can be done by inserting the following lines in the file (interafce/reports/sales_by_item.php)
at line:161:
at line 240:
<td class='label'>
<?php xl('Provider','e'); ?>:
<?php $query = "select id, lname, fname from users where authorized = 1 order by lname, fname";
$res = sqlStatement($query);
echo " <select name='form_provider'>\n";
echo " <option value=''>-- " . xl('All Providers', 'e') . " --\n";
while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) {
$provid = $row['id'];
echo " <option value='$provid'";
if ($provid == $_POST['form_doctor']) echo " selected";
echo ">" . $row['lname'] . ", " . $row['fname'] . "\n";
echo " </select>\n";
at line 384:
//If a Provider is specified.
$query .= " AND fe.provider_id ='$form_provider'";
Hope it Helps
OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,
wjbaptis wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2013:
Great! This helps tremendously. Thank you. Since I’ll be making changes to the file, it is possible for it to be overwritten in other releases, correct?
visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, September 25, 2013:
We provided this fix based on the latest version (openEMR 4.1.2). We assume that this will work fine for openEMR version 4.1.0 onwards(since it is not changed from last couple of versions).
OpenEMR Customization/Support provider,